Courses & Classes

One of the great joys of my own self-discovery journey is the opportunity I now have to help other women through their journey and find their path forward. Here you'll find self-paced courses and classes available to you.
I believe in you, and I'm here to support you!

Free Masterclass

Learn how to build your Authentic Confidence

In this 60-minute Masterclass, I walk you through what Imposter Syndrome is, where it comes from, what it looks like, and best of all, how to overcome it through building your authentic confidence in who you are.


Do you know who you really are?

As women, we are often defined by our roles. We are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, employees, entrepreneurs, CEOs, secretaries, best friends, etc.
The problem is that many of us actually lose our own identity through the definition of our roles, or we never really knew ourselves to begin with.
So tell me, do you know who you are?

I’m offering an opportunity to meet yourself – to really get to know the woman in the mirror. This is an opportunity to transform the way you SEE yourself and the way you LOVE yourself.

I’ve been the woman who didn’t have a clue who she was, or where she was going, or for what purpose she was here. I’ve been the woman who appears to have it all together, while single-handedly holding myself back from real success in life with the words I spoke into my life every day. I’ve been the woman who couldn’t escape the voices from her past telling her no matter how hard she tried, she still wasn’t good enough.

Thankfully, I found a way out of that place of feeling lost and stuck, wondering if there’s more for me, wondering if I really have value. And that is exactly what I show you how to do in the See. Love. Transform.TM 90 Days of Self-Discovery program.

Sign up for the 90 Days of Self-Discovery Program

Say Yes! to you, and experience real transformation in your life over the next 90 days!